On the 21st of March 2022 I.I.S.S. Pio La Torre organised a welcome to the activities of the last LTTA of the project ENTERPRISE (2019-1-IT02-KA201-062931), co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme, KA2 – Cooperation for Innovation and the Exchange of Good Practices, involving five organisations from four different countries. In fact, the consortium implementing the project is composed by I.I.S.S. Pio La Torre (Italy), CEIPES – Centro Internazionale per la Promozione dell’Educazione e lo Sviluppo (Italy), AEVA – Associacao para a Educacao e la Valorizacao da Regiao de Aveiro (Portugal), Balgarska Agentsiya Za Razvitie (Bulgaria) and Thora Storm videregaende skole (Norway).

The ENTERPRISE project aims to fill the educational gap between sustainability and entrepreneurship in the European scholastic system, providing a methodology, the essential resources and an e-learning course addressing both topics; specifically, the project is producing the following results:

  • I-O1, a collection of Online Educational Resources (OERs) providing students – accordingly to their specifical needs – learning pathways focused on youth entrepreneurship and sustainability;
  • I-O2, a methodology on Entrepreneurial Education and Sustainability (EES) tracing guidelines which are helpful to create new learning pathways and to improve the effectiveness of the proposed curriculum;
  • I-O3, a pilot phase to test the effectiveness of the resources and of the implemented methodology;
  • I-O4, the implementation of an e-learning course based on entrepreneurial education and sustainability.

Furthermore, in order to stimulate the cooperation and networking activies – as well as the exchange of good practices – among different schools’ staff the ENTERPRISE project promotes mobilities to some of the countries composing the consortium, involving both students and teachers.

In this framework, three Learning, Teaching and Training Activities (LTTAs) are going to be arranged: the third and last one is being held by the I.I.S.S. Pio La Torre during the 18-23 of March 2022. On the 21st of March project managers from CEIPES, which is the second Italian partner of the project, joined the activities at the institute to meet students and teachers from Norway and Portugal: they catered a warm up activity, a general presentation on the project and a non-formal learning game to test students’ knowledge on the Sustainable Development Goals.

These activities, which are complementary to the other organised by the host organisation, have stimulated students’ socialisation, also improving their soft and language skills.

The LTTA is going to finish on the 28th of March 2022.